Ministry of Stewardship

The Ministry of Stewardship is responsible for oversight of the financial affairs of the Church and are stewards of CFC properties and assets unless otherwise specified.

Their work includes:

—    The conduct of special fund-raising events, as it deems appropriate, and shall have oversight of fund-raising activities.

—    Supervision of properties owned or used by the Church.

—    Annual preparation and presentation to the Diaconate of a Church Budget. It shall be responsible for dispensing monies in accordance with the budget approved by the congregation at an Article V Meeting. It shall review bills and authorize payments by the Treasurer in accordance with its own published procedures.

—    Receipt of bequests and their administration in accordance with the terms of the bequests and CFC’s procedures for endowment or permanent funds.

—    Maintenance of a list of pertinent decisions made by the Ministry throughout the year to support their annual report and to inform the Church Clerk prior to the Annual Meeting to assure proper recordation.