Welcome to Colchester Federated Church

A Welcoming, Open and Affirming Congregation affiliated with the American Baptist Churches

& the United Church of Christ

We're so glad that you've visited our website!  Our Worship Services are offered on Sundays at 9 AM.

Visit our Worship page or Facebook page to view worship virtually.

Worship features our Choir and Sunday School is available during the program year (from September—June.)  

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. 

Here at Colchester Federated Church, our Church Staff and congregation are on a faith journey together, and we welcome all to journey with us.  No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Colchester Federated Church

60 Main Street, Colchester, CT 06415

(860) 537-5189

Church Office Email: cfc06415@gmail.com

**When our church is closed due to inclement weather, it will be reported on WFSBNBC CT**

Donate to Colchester Federated Church's Capital Campaign

For over 200 years, Colchester Federated Church has been a fixture and focal point in the center of Colchester providing worship services as well as hosting many community programs.  Last fall, it was discovered that the main beam of the Church structure (which bears the weight of the entire front of the Church) had warped over the course of 181 years.  A loan needed to be secured and work completed in short order to prevent possible collapse and ensure the history and legacy of Colchester Federated Church is preserved for years to come.  We are seeking financial help from our wider community, and any amount donated is greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

CFC Mission Statement

"Empowering members for ministries in workplace, home, church and community."

The Colchester Federated Church is a caring Christian congregation made up of individuals and families who are gathered together to grow in life and faith through worship, learning, and a variety of social and spiritual programs.

The church encourages individuals to recognize and value their own self-worth. It nurtures them as they explore their beliefs and commitments, and it challenges them to expand each other’s horizons of mind, heart, and spirit.

As part of the wider community, the church recognizes the diversity of needs and issues within our society and world. Bound together by care and faith the church reaches out as our agent of change, creating a healthy, vibrant community and world.

CFC Welcoming, Open & Affirming Statement

We the members of the Colchester Federated Church believe that all people are created in God’s image and thus are loved and blessed equally by God. We take seriously Jesus’ teaching: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” [Mark 12:30-31]

We declare ourselves a Welcoming, Open and Affirming faith community. We invite all who seek to follow Jesus into the full life of our church, ministry, leadership, worship, sacraments, rites, and fellowship: all persons of every gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; as well as all ages, races, nationalities, mental and physical ability, family structure, and social and economic status.

Jesus teaches us to welcome all into God’s covenantal community. Celebrating the diversity in which God has created us, we pray that together we may, by this declaration, follow the example of God’s love of all persons, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.